Top 3 Reasons Why You Should Focus on God, And Not Yourself!  

There’s a phrase that’s super popular in single culture, “focus on yourself”, but what really happens when we focus on ourselves?

Now, the term is meant to be used in a positive light meaning, this is the time where you can get yourself together, and not worry about anyone other than yourself. And from a slight glance, in an already self seeking society, all that does is contribute to a selfish mission.  

Don’t get me wrong, its so easy being selfish, but I’m curious as to how we benefit from it in the long run? When I’m selfish I get to spend my money on things that only benefit me and my desires, I get to spend my time on things that only benefit me and my desires and I don’t have to sacrifice anything for the sake of someone else. Sounds like the life right, until it influences a selfish perspective once it’s time to commit to a romantic relationship. 

Relationships are meant for two people to serve each other for the glory of God. When you practice focusing on yourself, you are essentially training yourself to serve you, rather than your partner, and that’s when division comes in. 

Things I’ve experienced while focusing on myself is loneliness, depression, self seeking pleasure and short lived gratitude. Me focusing on myself caused me to experience everything opposite of peace, comfort and joy. I mean, I guess it makes sense— when you focus on yourself you’re not only focused on the good, but you become consumed with your problems, your needs and your desires; sending you into an isolated bubble that forgets that anyone outside of you even exists. 

Things I’ve experienced while focusing on Jesus is healing, peace beyond measure, vision, joy and fruit. There’s something about switching our attention from ourselves to God. There’s a reason why the scriptures say….

“You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you!”

Isaiah 26:3 NLT

The scripture doesn’t say all whose thoughts are fixed on themselves. The more we focus on ourselves, the more we forget to trust God and create a habit of putting our trust in ourselves. 

Let’s think about the joy we get when serving others. I remember there was a time I did not like volunteering, a large part was due to the fact that I had to wake up super early in order to do so, but another percentage was simply a fact of me not wanting to do something that wasn’t self gratifying. Little did I know, serving others and giving is one of the most gratifying acts to engage in. 

Studies show that giving is associated with pleasant feelings toward self. You experience more happiness and positive emotions when you give. No wonder why people suggest those who are depressed to go and do something for someone else, because in the moment, and with time you reap the benefits of joy and happiness. 

While there is pleasure involved in focusing on yourself, it doesn’t compare to the long lasting joy and peace that comes with focusing on God. Be intentional with me and choose to set your mind on who God is, what he wants you to do and how he wants you to fulfill your purpose in life. You got it sis!! ✨


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