How to create content CONFIDENTLY in public!

Being a creator in any capacity is not for the weak. It requires a level of confidence, grit and rebellion against social norms to truly create with the level of freedom required to capture the beauty that meets the eye. 

If you are an entrepreneur, creator or anything that requires creating in the public eye, this post is for you.

I don’t know about you, but the dreaded feeling of being exposed, critiqued and judged while filming/creating is easily one of the top drivers of being afraid to create in front of people. More often than not, it can hinder us from getting THAT shot, or THAT angle that will set any pic, video or creation on fire; simply from giving in to our fears. But, not anymore!

I’ve gathered 4 insightful tips to practicing the art of not giving a heck while creating what you want, when you want. Because, our purpose depends on it. Let’s get into these tips. 

  • Tip no. 1: View your creation as your business.

    Even if you haven’t received revenue, view creating content , art, etc as a mandatory business task. Think about it, if you are employed, and your task is to create on behalf of the employers company, your confidence would be in the strength of knowing that you are required to do what you’re doing, to deliver great results for someone else. The only difference is, you are delivering great results for yourself.

  • Tip no. 2: Remember everyone started from somewhere.

    Grace yourself from the restraints of perfection. It’s okay if someone sees you try something new for the first time, learn how to be an expert at something etc. All that does, is allow you to inspire them to do the same. That’s what it’s all about right, Influencer?

  • Tip no. 3: Keep your preferred lifestyle and purpose at the front of your mind.

    In other words, have a ‘by any means necessary’ approach to fulfilling your purpose for the day. If your purpose includes filming a specific video, taking that pic, designing, crafting etc., get it done by any means necessary. With that approach, you don’t have time to worry about what others will think of you. Which brings me to my next and final tip.

  • Tip no. 4: Value the opinion of God, over the opinion of man.

    We will encounter critics at every corner, but we have to be so secure in our identity (which comes from Christ), that not even the most critical critic can delay, deny or prevent us from freely creating as God called us to create. When you know who you are, you show up with a level of confidence that doesn’t ride on the accolades of humans, but flows in the freedom of Christ. Y’all already know I had to go there because everything good comes from God, and if what we are creating is good, then that automatically comes with freedom, confidence and peace.

So, go create freely, and don’t let anyone keep you from doing what the Lord wants you to do.

I hope this post helped free you in any way. Comment if so, and subscribe if you haven’t already. It’s time to live life in style and purpose. 




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