Simply Shardae

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How To Pursue Your Dreams Even If You Have No Support!

Sometimes you have to go against the grain to fulfill your dreams. That doesn’t mean you always have to go at it alone, it just means you should have serious confidence that if God leads you to it, he’ll lead you through it; whether your support system agrees with you or not. 

Wouldn’t life be a nice bowl of icecream if we received the confidence, support and enthusiasm from everyone when striving to fulfill the dreams that scare us the most?? It’s almost as if our confidence in our ability to succeed is contingent upon our loved ones approval, and that’s a dangerous spot to be in. 

We won’t always have the approval from loved ones we wish we had to take the next step, to take a leap of faith or to follow through with that risk. But the beauty in risk is that it can catapult you right to where you need to be to set you up to fulfill your purpose in life. At this point, this isn’t even the time to focus on the risk of failure, it’s more so the time to focus on the risk of staying stagnant in your purpose without stepping out on faith to fulfill the desires of your heart. 

Now, I’m a firm believer that God gives us our ideas that fuel our creativity, he gives us our inventions that keep us up at night and strategies that propel our business. Because I know that God is the author of all innovation, I know that he has the ability to place certain desires and ideas on our heart, that will allow us to fulfill the very purpose he destined us to fulfill as they align in him. 

And because he gives us those desires, he will provide who, what, when, where, how and why to get it done. No matter how seamless the journey may or may not be, God will not tease his vision in you or trick you into failing. 

Our job is to persevere beyond the doubt, beyond the criticism and beyond the lack of support. When we can master obeying God without factoring in if people agree with us or not, then we will master surrendering our life and not living based on our own human understanding. 

And because he gives us those desires, he will provide who, what, when, where, how and why to get it done. No matter how seamless the journey may or may not be, God will not tease his vision in you or trick you into failing. 

Our job is to persevere beyond the doubt, beyond the criticism and beyond the lack of support. When we can master obeying God without factoring in if people agree with us or not, then we will master surrendering our life and not living based on our own human understanding. 

When God instructs, it’s our duty to follow. Things can’t happen if you become stuck seeking approval of man, or hinder yourself to passively waiting without continuing to follow Gods guidance. When God says move, it’s time to move; and nothing or no one can stop his plan. 

This post is to encourage you to not be defeated or easily discouraged by lack of support or condemned criticism. We can trust that God holds us in his hands and knows our tomorrow just as much as our yesterday. We can trust that God will provide our needs and have faith that he will accomplish his plan through us. 

If you’ve experienced walking a lonely road as a result to being obedient to God, just know that He hasn’t left you and he is right there with you leading you to where he wants you to go. Keep your focus on him because he will not fail you and he cares for you. 

When you decide to block out instruction from people and replace it with instruction from God, we can confidently pursue the path of purpose, no matter what it looks like. 

When is the last time you’ve stepped out on faith? Share your stories below, I can’t wait to hear from you. 

  • Simply Shardae