Simply Shardae

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Restoring Your Vision!

Have you ever had a strong desire from God that the enemy tried to steal from you? Maybe it was the desire to be married, or have kids, move to a specific location, start a business, fund a mission etc...then all of a sudden, you go through the waters of life and the pain of your trials results in loss of desire?

This experience is totally new to me, because I’ve always been the one devoted to the vision God has given me; but I’ve found myself having to go on a path of restoration for God to restore what the enemy thinks he’s stolen from me. The enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy and if he can steal your vision he can steal your purpose. So this read is for those who are ready to fight back. Because what’s yours, will always and forever be yours.

There are three things I’ve learned to implement while fighting for restoration. When your vision has been stolen, it makes it harder to believe that God's promises to us will be fulfilled. Our vision motivates us to be diligent in our walk and to persevere, but without vision the people perish. Proverbs 29:18 

So when I’ve gotten to the point of vision scarcity, I can’t wallow in a loss mindset, I have to actively reclaim victory. And actively reclaiming victory starts with the mind. 

Even if you are at a point where it’s hard for you to believe God’s promises, it’s best to affirm yourself with his promises anyway. It opens the door to faith and disciplines your heart to follow your mind. When your mind is focused on God's promises then your heart can start to believe again. So the first thing I’ve implemented is disciplining my mind to think like I still have the vision, and speak to myself and others affirming that vision. 

What you think, you believe; and what you believe, you become. 

There’s a song which lyrics read, I’m reaping the harvest God promised me, take back what the devil stole from me and I rejoice, today! For I shall recover it all. 

The second tactic I implement is worshipping God through song, affirmations, gratitude and giving. I have to refill my spirit with God's promises, and by singing the words that pierce my soul, I’m able to fight back against the lies of doubt, and press on toward restoration. 

Fighting for restoration is not a passive matter whatsoever. It takes the will and discipline to push past the lack of vision and motivation, and heavily train your mind to think things that are true, so you can start to believe things that are true. 

My Mom loves to remind me of the scripture Romans 4:17 ' (As it is written, I have made thee a father of many nations,) before him whom he believed, even God, who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were. '

Romans 4:17

That scripture is a perfect reminder that although things may not appear to align with the promises of God, that doesn’t mean that his promises won’t prevail.

Lastly, the third tactic I implement during restoration is simply talking with God. This is the time where I have to be naked with my thoughts and emotions— even though God already knows, however, it fosters a genuine relationship when I’m able to be vulnerable with him about what I’m going through. 

This can look like sharing my deepest pains and allowing him to take the burden of my cares. How beautiful is it that we don’t have to carry the burdens of life, that we have a savior who wants to carry the heaviest things of life for us. That’s the sweetest, sacrificial characteristic of all time. Jesus is the true definition of love. He’s so sweet. 

If you are one who is fighting to restore the visions God gave you, I encourage you to discipline your mind to affirm the promises God has given you, worship Jesus with your acts and affirmations and commune with him by sharing your deepest burdens and casting your cares on him. I’m believing that God will restore what the enemy thinks he stole in Jesus’ name, Amen. 

I hope this post brings motivation to fight back, and I can’t wait for God to restore his vision for your life. You are beautiful and what’s yours will come to pass. Share with me visions that God has restored for you! Can’t wait to hear from you. 

Enjoy! ✨