Simply Shardae

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Setting Professional Boundaries In The Workplace. 

Now what does setting boundaries in the workplace look like? This isn’t the most straightforward topic since professional boundary setting looks different across situations. So, this post will share things to consider to help you set the tone for respect in your work environment, while walking in love.

This is a topic I don’t think we talk enough about. There are so many instances where people cross the line professionally and it just leaves you shook! Like when did that ever become okay?? QTNA. If you’re reading this, I’m sure you are all about maintaining peace inside and outside of the work environment. So, here are things to consider before and/ or after you encounter a professional dilemma. Once we get through the considerations, we’ll dive into the boundaries. Let’s get it!

  • You have nothing to prove. 

People will make you feel as if your work is not of value. Do not give into the lies because a lot of the time the people who make you feel that way are intimidated by the possibility of you “taking” their job/ place/shine whatever the case may be. They will project their fears onto you in the form of “feedback” just to steal your confidence in your work. Now, constructive criticism is good and needed to continually grow, but all feedback isn’t good or needed feedback. Don’t let it stress you sis, it’s time to set some boundaries. 

  • Everyone is not looking after your best interest. 

Professional relationships can be very nuanced. You can be very cool with some and very cordial with others. All in all, you have to be able to master the art of respect and leadership, whether you have a leading title or not. Leaders are able to resolve conflict, empower others and look out for the best interest of the work, team members and self. 

  • You Never Know Who Is Saying What

“They smiling in your face, always trynna take your place them backstabbers...backstabbers!!” 😂😂 Those lyrics reign true as I gain more and more wisdom. Lol you never know who is saying what behind your back, so it’s best to treat everyone kind and refrain from joining in workplace gossip. If they’re gossiping to you about someone else, they’ll gossip to them about you. 

So let’s get into these boundaries. This is crucial to ensuring respect in the workplace. We’ve read things to consider on why boundaries may need to be implemented, now it’s time to learn what boundaries to implement and how to do so. 

1.Respect in Communication 

If you don’t like how a coworker is speaking to you, put a boundary in place. Do so by respectfully asking your coworker to speak to you in a way that is respectful to you, and share examples of specifics that can help add clarity. 

Hello ___, I feel anxious when I am greeted with ___ communication. I would really value if you did not use such language when speaking to me….

2. Respect in checks & balances. 

If you don’t value the way a coworker manages your work and edits, share what would be beneficial for you moving forward. Some instances may be if you are ideating and writing etc, and you look and everything that you wrote is either gone or changed, put a boundary in place for communication to be present before work is changed. That is totally okay if you don’t like people changing your work without you knowing, after all, no one person is the standard. 

3. Respect in reviews. 

Be honest during review about how certain things and coworkers impact you. If you can trust your management, then you can trust being open and honest with them about things that need to change. This is not the time to shy away from what needs to be said. Be professional, but most importantly be honest. 

4. Respect in time & pay

Respect in time is respect in pay. Your job is to do your job, and to do it well. If you don’t have the proper resources needed to do your job well, then it’s time to set a boundary. Resources can include if you simply need time off or it’s time for you to ask for a raise when your workload has increased but your wage hasn’t. Implement boundaries by staying true to your word, doing the best you can do and communicating your needs for time and pay. 

Boundary setting can be very nerve racking, but it doesn’t always have to be that way. Practice setting boundaries in your everyday habits so you can grow, and become better at setting boundaries in more challenging settings and situations. If these tips and considerations helped you, feel free to let me know. Can’t wait to hear from you and I hope you set the record straight sis, because if you’re reading this then it’s time to do so. 

Talk to you soon!

Simply, Shardae