Simply Shardae

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5 Steps To Forgive Quickly

If you would have asked me how to forgive quickly in 2019, I would have returned the question, because this my friend was a challenging area for me. So challenging in fact that it had become normal for me to dismiss the command to forgive all in the name of “not knowing how.” Yes, that was then, but this is now and your girl has gone through the waters to learn this simple not so simple lesson. So like always, when lessons give me insight, I like to share what I learn to hopefully help the next person as they journey through life.

First, let’s add some purpose into this; why should we forgive? For those who are committed to living a life submitted to Christ, the simple answer is, because God said so. If you’re looking for more reasons, forgiving others is not only for them, it’s also for you. The sooner you forgive, the sooner God can restore your brokenness.

Boom. The scriptures make it plain and clear, so let’s keep it simple. Here are 5 steps to forgive quickly.

1. Acknowledge Your Emotions

Your emotions are valid and it’s beneficial to take some needed time to process them accordingly. Ways to process your emotions include sorting out why you feel the way that you do, asking yourself what actions provoked such emotions, figuring out if outside factors were an influence etc. But acknowledging your emotions is a crucial step in learning how to forgive. The Lord wants to know what causes you grief, he already knows lol but he wants an intimate relationship with you, and for you to share your burdens with him.

2. Adopt God’s Perspective

What challenges me the most when it comes to forgiving quickly is understanding how God see’s the offender, as well as the situation. The more we read scripture and ask for God’s understanding and insight into the situation, the more the Holy Spirit reveals his character, which allows us to adopt the perspective that God has toward the offender and the situation. At the end of the day, you never know why things happen the way that they do, and you never know what people are going through to influence their behavior. God cares about you and them.

3. Trust God’s Plan

When we truly come to a point of surrender, and trust God’s plan for our life wholeheartedly, we can also trust that he allows everything in life to happen for a reason. We may not have any idea as to what the future holds for us, but we can trust that God is using this test and trial as preparation for what he has in store for us. When we trust God, we can choose to forgive and genuinely have faith that he will work everything out for our good. 'And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

3. Release

In order to forgive, we have to release our will to avenge and leave it to God to avenge. I was watching a YouTube video on the channel Therapy and Theology, and the founder Lysa TerKeurst made a profound statement. She said when we forgive, we not only forgive for the facts of the situation, but we forgive for the impact of the situation. This made perfect sense as to why sometimes it may feel as if we haven’t forgiven, when in all actuality, forgiveness is a choice. It’s a choice to release the offender, the situation and the impact , and give it all to God.

4. Pray

There’s a reason scripture calls followers of Christ to pray for those who persecute them. When we pray for our enemies and those who have wounded us, it allows for compassion to take root in our heart, and opens the door for us to start seeing them the way God see’s them. This is not an overnight occurrence for many, but in time, there’s a guaranteed difference in how our heart will be softened toward them. Plus, because we know God is a just God, we also know that he doesn’t let sin go unpunished. We have to trust that God loves us and will keep his promises. 'Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord. 'Romans 12:19

Forgiveness is a choice.

Forgiveness is a choice, it’s a choice to release the will to hurt those who have hurt us. Choosing to forgive does not eliminate the hurt and pain, however it makes room for God to heal our broken hearts and restore us back to him.

I hope this post finds you well, and if you are currently hurting in an area I am so sorry for your pain. Stay hopeful that once you heal, you’ll be able to look back with gratitude that you made it through. Can’t wait to talk to you soon. If you want to stay updated on the latest post and receive exclusive inspiration, sign up for the newsletter below.