Simply Shardae

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You Don’t Have To Chase What’s Yours!

Have you ever wanted something so badly that anytime you were close to receiving it, it seemed to slip right out of your hands? Maybe you were this close to meeting this celebrity, or this close to being chosen for an internship you know you’re more than qualified for? Whatever your version looks like, if you can relate to being super close to something yet not receiving it, this read is for you.

The thing about chasing something is, if you have to chase it, maybe it’s not yours to begin with. Or if you didn’t have to chase it before, but you do now, then maybe it’s not yours to keep.

We never really know the full answer until God reveals it to us, so until then- our job is to focus on God and align our will with his. After all, the more we spend time with God and learn more of who he is, his desires for our life become our own.

Take delight in the Lord , and he will give you the desires of your heart. Psalms 37:4 NIV

If you’ve ever experienced a time where things just worked out perfectly, you can remember believing that it was ALL God who was able to work things out for your good to begin with. I can recall being a good $4,000 short for my junior year of college and not wanting to come out of pocket. I stressed and worried and stressed and worried until there was no worry left. One day at work, I received a call for an invitation to a personal luncheon with the city congressman and during lunch, he awarded me at least a $4,500 scholarship (can’t remember the exact number). Mind you, I had no idea I even applied for this scholarship because I applied for so many, however, things worked out perfectly right on time. 

So when things may not flow exactly to your liking, it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re chasing something that’s not yours, it’s a pure notion to start trusting in God to fulfill the plan that he already has for your life. Whether it looks like what you have planned, or look’s a little differently.

What about the times where you were making things shake on your own? Maybe you felt hesitation that you didn’t quite know was God’s guidance leading you in the opposite direction of where you were going, yet you pursued it anyway. Things may not always present themselves as a struggle in the beginning, it can become a struggle later on, when you realize that things aren’t going as smoothly anymore. Now, disclaimer just because you run into some struggles, trials or bumps in the road, doesn’t mean that you’re out of God’s will --because as followers of Christ we are destined to confront trials in our purpose walk. However, when you start getting an inclination that maybe you missed the mark on a job, a relationship or an opportunity, that could be God’s way of leading you back to the will that he has for you.

Chasing things in life can appear in a subtle variety of ways. 

With chasing comes fatigue, lack of peace, doubt, fear and no confidence. Check the fruit of your situation by aligning it with God’s fruit. Does the situation bring you peace? Even if you don’t have everything figured out, do you have confirmation and confidence that you are right where you’re supposed to be? What’s yours will always be yours. No matter how long it takes for you to receive it. 

You don’t have to chase it. You can walk confidently knowing that God is leading you to what’s already yours.


So, if you’re unsure of whether you’re chasing something or not, talk to God about it and ask him for clarity on the direction you’re walking in. He’ll send you scripture and wisdom that will confirm his word, and the Holy Spirit’s guidance. Let’s walk in confidence, because it’s already ours. 

Simply, Shardae