How To Be Confident And Not Feel Inferior!

There’s just something about the feeling of inferiority. It can be triggered by people’s insecure projections, it can be triggered when you feel excluded…there’s just so many ways inferiority can creep into your mind and try to silence your greatness. This post is all about not letting your thoughts, or other people’s insecurities plant inferiority and steal your confidence.

Have you ever been a little shy toward showcasing work you know you’d like to enhance, and then someone comes and just adds criticism to it? It’s like a part of them knows that the work is in progress, but they can’t miss the moment to defeat their own insecurities by exalting themselves over what they consider, “your weaknesses”. Weird right? What if there was a way to defeat inferiority without tearing others down… because does a person really conquer something in themself by amplifying the imperfections in someone else? In my opinion, I don’t think you can. I think it serves as a cover up that will make the problem persist. 

So how can we conquer inferiority? 

I’ll share practices that I exercise on a daily basis to welcome confidence and character growth.

An important discipline that I include is being intentional with the words I speak over myself, and words I accept from others. Our communication subtly impacts our thoughts and beliefs, and in turn, our actions. I make it my duty to reject definite words that don’t enhance my character or confidence, and replace them with affirmations that encourage growth and affirm who God says I am. This is a pivotal practice because people can speak so many things over you that are not in line with your future, that it can subtly stunt your growth instead of challenge your growth.

Statements using words like always, and never don’t provide space for a changed outcome for the future. So if you believe that you have always done something, then it will become that much harder to believe things can change. Any words that imply a negative declaration has to be replaced with a growth declaration. This does not mean that you can’t acknowledge the truth of your present character and areas that need to be enhanced, this simply provides a discipline for how you should welcome growth through language and reject defeated declarations.

Before you can fully be intentional in this area, it’s best to know who you are by knowing who God says you are. People will say you are inadequate, inferior, not good enough, weak, destined for bad, but who God says you are is all that matters. You won’t be able to reject the lies without knowing the truth to replace it with. This is where you search the scripture’s to know who God says you are.

‘For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord , “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. ‘

Jeremiah 29:11

This simple scripture right here provides hope. When you don’t have any source of hope from your current situation or surroundings, you can get your hope from Jesus. 

Another practice I implement is providing perspective to my gifts, talents, resources and successes. When I find myself taking credit for my accomplishments, I then place a pressure and a burden on myself to take the credit for my “defeats”. I have to remind myself that it’s not in my own abilities that I can boast, but it’s solely in God because he is the one who birthed in me the gifts, skills and talent that I have today. Yes, through obedience and discipline, gifts can be refined; but had he not given me those gifts to begin with, I’d be nothing. It’s all in his doing and not my own.

Lastly, I examine people’s intentions toward me and surround myself with those who are for me, and not against me. People can try to hide behind wrong motives, but with discernment, wisdom and God’s guidance, he will expose the people who do not have your best interest at heart. Who you surround yourself with, declarations that are spoken over you and who you believe yourself to be are all very important areas to be intentional in. I am constantly looking for ways to enhance my character and guard my heart from people and things that are not good for me, so I start by implementing the above practices that have absolutely made a tremendous difference in my life.

What are you implementing to enhance your character? I’d love to hear your tips and suggestions. In the meantime, I hope this post provides practical tips on how you protect your confidence and reject inferiority. Can’t wait to talk again! 

Let’s Walk In Confidence!

Simply, Shardae


Setting Professional Boundaries In The Workplace. 


How To Live Life Free Of Shame!