How To Live Life Free Of Shame!

Do you remember the hand game— “shame shame shame I don’t want to go to Mexico no more more more, there’s a big fat policemen at the door door door. He grabbed me by my collar, made me pay a dollar I don’t want to go to Mexico no mare more more shame!” That was random how I just thought about that, but that’s literally what shame will do to you. It will forcibly grab you and influence you to act against your true will.

How burdening and stressful would life be where 80% of everything we did, wasn’t out of the interest of our own will, but out of fear of shame and seeking approval? Is that what life is about?

The Google definition of shame is…“a painful feeling of humiliation or distress caused by the consciousness of wrong or foolish behavior.”

Living life in shame is living life with a critical view of yourself and others. Where’s the freedom? Where’s the love? Where’s the grace and where’s the truth? In this post I will share with you 3 ways to intentionally live life free of shame.

Before we get into the checklist, let’s think about what God says about shame.

‘I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame. ‘ Psalms 34:4-5

This scripture alone is freeing. It’s an automatic promise from God that in him, there is no shame. So that brings me to number one on the list of how to live life shamelessly.

1. Don’t Shame Yourself!

This may be easy for some, and extremely difficult for others. Not shaming yourself means knowing how to properly forgive yourself for your wrongs, and extend grace to yourself so you can know how to forgive others and extend grace to them as well. When we live life never acknowledging our wrongs or always pointing the finger, we create a wedge between allowing room for growth and practicing forgiveness. Not shaming yourself is something that cannot be overlooked, because it is the foundation to our next point.

2. The Lord Won’t Shame You, So Don’t Let People Shame You!

People will shame you left and right. They will shame you for doing what you want to do, for not doing what they want you to do and everything in between. I’m convinced that when we practice living life in shame, we practice living life without truly believing the love God has for us. His love is so freeing, so graceful, pleasant and honest that he already knows the sin we have committed as well as the sin we will commit; yet he still loves us. He loves us without us having to do anything for his love. He loves us in our strengths and in our weaknesses. He loves us in our coming and in our going. His love is so free it is the perfect foundation of how to live life shamelessly. When you truly believe the love God has for you, you will wholeheartedly and confidently walk in abundance of that love; and God’s love for you is without shame.

3. Free Yourself From The Opinion Of Man!

It will be hard to live life shamelessly if you are still in bondage to the opinion of man. If your esteem, actions or anything of that nature is tied to seeking the approval of mere human beings, it will be difficult for you to live free of shame. You have to free yourself from the opinion of man, and ways to do that is to practice affirming who you are and the purpose God has given you. You have to know and believe wholeheartedly that who you are, is who God created you to be. No matter if where you are in life is where you’d like to be in the future, you HAVE to know, believe and accept who you are now-just the way that you are. God loves you just because, so love yourself, just because. 

When you free yourself from the opinion of man, you free yourself to live on your God given terms. You free yourself to do what you will (in God’s will), pursue your purpose and enjoy the desires of your heart. You can live freely once you free yourself from the opinion of man because once they try to shame you- you will know exactly who you are to block the shame from your belief. When you can block others shame from trickling into your belief system, you can block your own shame for interacting with your esteem as well. Free yourself from the opinion of man, so you can be free from their shame as well.

I hope this post truly inspired you to live life freely, confidently and shamelessly. Comment any tips below of how you live life free of shame and whether or not these tips helped you. Can’t wait to hear from you and I hope you have a beautiful week.

  • Simply Shardae 


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